December 2020

Lanette LaComb ends her rotation period. Good luck with your next adventure in your new lab, and thank you for all the hard work (and cookies) you did!

Huge thank you to the Einstein Nathan Shock Center of Excellence for supporting us with funding for aging research! The Sidoli lab received funding to study a specific protein modification on the chromatin of centenarians.

The lab receives new funding thanks to the collaboration with Dr. Michael Brenowitz. A big thank you to Dr. Damien Houde and Relay Therapeutics for supporting our work on structural proteomics via direct injection mass spectrometry.

A collaboration with the Skoultchi lab investigating the role of histone H1 variants in modeling chromatin state is published in Nature (link).

A new collaboration investigating YBX1 role in white adipose tissue is published in Molecular Metabolism (link).

A thank you from Einstein-Montefiore to all the Healthcare heroes that keep saving New York City, conducted by the Bronx Opera director Michael Spierman.

November 2020

Sarah Graff joins the lab as rotation student. She will work on a project investigating the regulation of the host chromatin during HIV and COVID infection. Welcome!

The lab has finally upgraded the sample preparation! Now robotic prep for all of our samples!

Stephanie presents her work on chromatin dynamics in functional spheroids at the Einstein chromatin club!

October 2020

The lab joins the just-founded New York City Chromatin Club! Chromatin biologists of NYC (and beyond), sign up and join us here: link

Lanette LaComb joins the lab as first year rotation student. Welcome to the team!

Congratulations to Jenny on her co-first author paper describing lipidomics and proteomics of severe aortic stenosis (link).

The lab says goodbye to Isaac after ending his rotation. Thank you for the very hard work! Good luck with your classes. We hope to see you back next year!

Our sponsored project to study histone modifications in mental disorders is officially announced on the Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge website (link). Thank you to Yuko and Amrita for this great collaboration, and thank you to the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development for the generous funding to continue our research.

Simone is part of the Review College for the years 2021-2023 of the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO, Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen). FWO is a Belgian public research council sponsoring ground-breaking research and innovation.

Yan Sun is included on the website as honorary team member (link). Actually, Yan has collaborated with us for a long time, but he is now working very closely in our team for developing methods in mass spectrometry for glycan analysis and oxidation footprinting.

September 2020

The lab says goodbye to Karl Roberts! Thank you for all the hard work during your rotation. Best of luck with your PhD, and see you soon when you will do proteomics in your project!

Congratulations to Jenny for publishing a “Guide for protein fold change and p-value calculation for non-experts in proteomics” (link).

A collaboration with Dr. Nativio (soon-to-be PI at the Imperial College, London) on epigenetic alterations in Alzheimer is published in Nature Genetics (link).

A detailed protocol for the analysis of histone modifications using direct injection with the TriVersa NanoMate is published in Bio-Protocol (link).

We hosted an amazing webinar from Dr. Martin Krzywinski, a superstar computational scientists in data analysis, visualization and graph design. Thank you Martin for sharing your view at our seminar series! Check out Martin’s website here (link).

Einstein keeps growing year after year in the Forbes ranking of best New York State employers (link)!

August 2020

The lab is looking for a postdoc to work in cell biology (ad link)!

Simone is the new representative of the Graduate Admissions Committee for the Department of Biochemistry.

A collaboration with the lab of Dr. Sam Gu is published in eLife (link). The paper discusses how the histone mark H3K23me3 is catalyzed in C. elegans.

Isaac Krasnopolsky joins the lab as rotation student. Welcome!

The lab is featured on the new website of CelVivo as primary users of their new technology (link).

A phosphoproteomics study on the effect of intestinal ischemia on rat neutrophils is published in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Wagner Fontes (link).

The Online Lecture of Simone at the “My friend is MASSA!” webinar series is available on YouTube

A collaboration with the lab of Jesper Christensen (BRIC, Copenhagen, Denmark) demonstrates that PR-DUB maintains chromatin in an optimal configuration for gene expression by counteracting accumulation of H2AK119ub1 (published in Genome Research, link).

Georgia Fallon and Dejauwne Young finished their rotation. Thank you very much for your contribution to the lab, and looking forward to working more together soon!

July 2020

Simone is elected in the Einstein Senate for the year 2020-2021 as one of the representatives of the Department of Biochemistry.

The lab will collaborate on an R01 grant with Dr. Prasad Vinayaka (Einstein) on CCL2-CCR2b signaling in HIV-1 fitness and disease (link).

A new special issue for the journal Proteomes, edited by Simone and Dr. Delphine Pflieger, is open for article submissions (link). The issue focuses on new biological insights and new technologies focused on the characterization of histone proteins.

A collaboration with the laboratory of Paul Cloos is published in Cancer Research (link). We investigated the mechanism by which the mutant protein FOXL2C134W drives adult-type ovarian granulosa cell tumors. This protein is expressed in at least 95% of this tumor type.

June 2020

The lab publishes the first review article! Congratulations everyone; it was a great team effort. We discuss how to investigate chromatin compaction using mass spectrometry (free access link).

The lab is mentioned in the Einstein website for the funding received for the project on COVID-19 diagnostics (link).

Simone will present at the online seminars “My friend is Massa!” organized by Dr. Thiago Verano Braga from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil).

The lab receives the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Research Microgrant sponsored by Einstein-Montefiore. This funding will be utilized to investigate the potential of exhaled breath condensate in infection diagnostics.

The Leukemia Research Foundation generously funded the lab with the Hollis Brownstein New Investigator Research Grant. Thank you very much! We will use to to identify chromatin readers in accessible heterochromatin in specific genotypes of AML (link).

The lab partners with the company Medivac (Parma, Italy) to develop together new methods for rapid diagnostics utilizing the collection of breath condensate (link to Medivac).

Simone presents on June 30th at the Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News webinar series. He will discuss how “Organoids and Spheroids Help Science See in 3D” (link). The recording is available here (link).

The lab will collaborate on an R01 grant with Dr. Sam Gu (Rutgers) on RNA-mediated chromatin regulation and epigenetic inheritance in C. elegans (link).

The lab reopens for Phase I (reduced personnel) on June 1st. Phase II (full lab) will start on June 15th.

May 2020

CBS News made a documentary on the amazing efforts of the workers at Montefiore Medical Center facing the coronavirus pandemic (link).

A collaboration on the biosynthesis of the antimalarial drug artemisinin is published in Proteomics (link). Congratulations to Minghui on her publication!

Simone discusses career development at the Chemical Biology Interface Virtual Symposium, an event organized by the Univ. of Delaware, Stony Brook Univ., Johns Hopkins Univ., Univ. of Pennsylvania and Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County.

Simone is the new Scientific Director of the Laboratory for Macromolecular Analysis and Proteomics (LMAP).

A new collaboration with the lab of Kavitha Sarma (University of Pennsylvania) is published in Nature Communications (link).

April 2020

Congratulations to Jenny for her collaborative paper with the Stanley lab (link)!

The lab has an Instagram account!

A big thank you from us and everyone to our amazing friends and colleagues working at Montefiore Health System!

We added an extra section to our website: Partners. Because science is at its best when you work together!

Georgia Fallon and Karl Roberts are joining the lab for their rotation. Unfortunately, for now it is just virtual due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Hopefully, we will all be running mass spectrometry soon again.

March 2020

The lab is doing its part in staying at home, and sends some smiles to New York City!

Like most labs in New York, we also interrupt our operations to face the COVID-19 problem rising. We keep you updated on our work, and we will definitely celebrate hard when this is finished. A special thank you goes to the clinicians at Montefiore and the other hospitals of the city who are facing an unprecedented challenge.

The “Interview” section of the website has been improved. Thank you to Kevin Janssen to help debugging the page (link).

A collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Noh (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany) is published in Nature Genetics! (link)

The lab participates to the New York City Epidemiology Forum (link).

February 2020

Jake ends his rotation. Thank you so much for being an amazing lab member! Your work has been very critical in the lab. Good luck with your third rotation, and I am sure we will talk soon again.

Simone is invited by Dr. Italo Tempera for a seminar at Temple University (Philadelphia). Thank you Italo for the warm welcome, and good luck with your next adventure at Wistar (Philadelphia)!

We participated to the second meeting of the Interstellar initiative (pictures here). It was really great to see again our collaborators Yuko Arioka (Nagoya University) and Amrita Basu (UCSF).

The lab receives the “NAM Healthy Longevity Grand Challenge Catalyst award” to continue their project on epigenetics and mental disorders. Thank you very much for the support to the Japan Agency for Medical Research.

A new collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Benjamin Garcia is published in the journal Methods (link). This manuscript includes the accurate description of how to set up state-of-the-art middle-down mass spectrometry for histone analysis.

The lab signs an agreement with the company Pearl River Laboratories to provide characterization of antibodies using mass spectrometry.

Simone visits the National Institute of Aging (NIA) invited by the lab of Dr. Payel Sen. It was a great day with meetings with so many great scientists!

January 2020

Happy 2020 everyone! The lab starts the new decade with a big surprise: we received the first and currently only US prototype of the BAM incubator from CelVivo IVS. This system is to grow cells as functional 3D spheroids for a time period and size unmatched today. Get ready for some exciting new model systems coming up! (see updated Cell lab page)

Simone will be teaching at the EMBO Proteomics Courses in Odense (Denmark) in May 2020 (link) and in Heidelberg (Germany) in June 2020 (link). Check them out if you would like to participate! They are both lovely places with many great scientists as speakers and mentors.

The lab receives the visit from Denmark. We have been officially nominated the US Center of Excellence for CelVivo, and our small synthetic organs are happily incubating! Also, we used this day to celebrate Simone’s birthday.